
The English-Speaking Union (Queensland Branch)

The English-Speaking Union (ESU) is an international educational charity dedicated to promoting international understanding and human achievement through English.

ESU (Queensland Branch) is a not-for-profit organisation led by a board, supported by members and volunteers. The board consists of eight directors, including President Emeritus Professor Caroline Hatcher.

ESU (Queensland Branch) has an active program of events throughout the year in support of its objectives. These events include:

  • the Secondary School Public Speaking Competition: Junior, Intermediate and Senior divisions in South-East Queensland, Toowoomba and West, and North Queensland
  • the Roly Sussex Short Story Competition: Open and Secondary School divisions, nationally
  • the annual Churchill Lecture and formal dinner
  • lectures, discussions and cultural events
  • workshops in public speaking, English language and communication

Membership is open to all


The English-Speaking Union (Queensland) invites you to mark
the following event in your diary:

Sunday 17 November – ESU (Qld) AGM, followed by
a seasonally celebratory dinner (times and venues to be advised)

We look forward to your attendance.

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